Content: Audio, Visual, Speech, Music
McLuhan's Message: Television is mainly used to gather information from news networks to to entertain through sitcoms and drama shows. It is also used as a comfort device to add some noise in the atmosphere when someone is home alone, studying, or eating. McLuhan would state that televisions diminish human social interaction. Through this specific medium, forms of social communication are lost. Instead of a one on one conversation that would take place with a pair of humans, television permits the host to say what he wants without any interrupted opinion from the viewer.
Medium: Radio
Content: Audio, Speech, Music
McLuhan's Message: Radio is nearly a century old, however many people still receive enjoyment from it. A big source of music variety, talk shows, and news, the radio is still mainly used in cars. McLuhan would say that we gain a sense of imagination through the radio. When we hear a host talking over the air waves, we picture his physical body to correlate with his tone. However, we find that most of the time, a radio announcer is not what we pictured when we see him or her in reality. Though radio is great for entertainment, it creates a false image of an announcer and/or spokesperson.
Medium:Video Chat
Content:Audio, Visual, Speech, Non-verbal Communication
McLuhan's Message: Video chat can be used by anyone now-a-days and it a great example of the direction of modern communication. It is better than a phone because we can view the caller, sometimes multiple callers, and make eye contact with them and understand facial expression, as well. McLuhan would state that though we can see the face of who we are communicating with, however, it is not the same as a physical face to face conversation. This technical form of communication leaves out the environment, focus, and realism of a traditional conversation.